
I'll Just Stand

 I'll Just Stand 
 I come to you on bended knee 
You’re will be done my only plea 
Holding the shield of faith in hand 
The arrows fall while I just stand 
On my head salvation’s crown  
The enemy can’t take me down  
You are my everlasting King 
Of You the multitudes still sing 
Yes I’ll just stand until You’re done 
All glory to Your risen Son 
I cannot see beyond the now 
But trust in You to keep Your vow 
My ready feet to bring Your word 
To those who have not already heard 
I’ve tightened up the belt of truth 
Still standing now as in my youth 
Oh mighty God, the great I Am 
Your kingdom come in all the land 
Your sword will cut right through it all So I’ll just stand while powers fall


prayerI want to give credit to Kay Arthur for her book Lord I want to Know You and her teaching on the names of God.

Within it she brings to light the first time in Scripture that God was given a name specifically for having done something for his people, the Israelites. In this case Jehovah Nissi shows up in Exodus 18. The Israelites were about to die of thirst and they desperately needed water. So, Moses prayed and basically God told him to go strike a rock with his staff a certain way and he struck the Rock and water came out of it and the people drank of it and they survived, they lived, they were saved by their God Jehovah Jireh our provider, El Shaddai, our All Sufficient One!

The very next thing that happens in the Bible is that the Israelites were attacked from behind by the Amalekites. Amalek, being the grandson of Esau, represents everything the flesh had to offer and a disconnect from the whole God spiritual thing. While Jacob represented the spiritual person connected to God's special promises. So they had a battle in a valley there and Moses went to the top of a ridge and held up his arms with his staff in his hand. As long as his arms were lifted high with his staff proclaiming that God was his God, the Israelites had victory over the Amalekites. But when Moses' arms weakened and started to fall the Amalekites began to win the battle and so Aaron and Hurr helped Moses by holding up his arms so that God's banner was lifted all the time.

I'm in Love

I’m in love with Elohim
He’s my God I’m on His team
Omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient creator of all.

I’m in love with Elohim
He’s my God I’m on His team
My Adoni, oh El Shadiah the one and only God most high

I'm in love with Elohim
He’s my God I’m on His team
Yahweh, El Roi, Jehovah
You are the great I Am!

I’m in love with Elohim
He’s my God I’m on His team
Jehovah Jireh Jehovah Shalom Jehovah Rafa too

I’m in love with Elohim
He’s my God I’m on His team
Jehovah Nissi Jehovah Shabott Jehovah Tsitcanue
Thank you for all Your names Hallowed be every one
Immanuel Messiah Joshua
Jesus Christ the Lord Amen
King of Kings Lord of Lords
Prince of peace Immanuel
Son of God the Incarnation Precious Redeemer of souls

Why do I fear God?

When I was a child, the one who protected me was often my parent, and they usually were trying to stop me from hurting myself. But as the most significant person in my life that had provided everything for me from infancy, I was afraid that I was doing something wrong I feared them because they were being very, loud, telling me to stop. That fear soon grew into a deeper love as I matured and realized that this discipline was there for a reason. I think that’s the hardest thing to see when you’re going through it. It’s there for a reason!

So, that looks a little bit like my relationship to God, when I read in the Bible where He’s trying to show His character to all of us. His presence is so awesome and powerful that you can’t even live in this mortal body while in His full presence! So we kind a cower back, as the scripture talks about in Exodus 20:18, we are scared so we let certain people go to the Lord because He’s so powerful, and the people feared Him because they had seen how powerful He was. But that fear was there for a reason. His ways are higher than our ways. He knows how to cultivate the kind of love in us so we can see the Love He has for us! The simple truth is that what He wants from us is to be in us. To dwell in us and together we can do all things according to His desire because He is Elohim! How can you not fear the most powerful thing that exists in your universe or cosmos? It says in Luke 12 That you shouldn’t fear the one who can kill you here on earth but you should really fear the one who decides your eternal outcome beyond this mortal coil!

Love Is...


considerate, thoughtful, not rude, not irritable, believes in the best, not jealous, greets well,

is unconditional,
let's others
win/gives in,
fights fair,
takes delight,
seeks to understand, is
impossible, is Jesus Christ,
is faithful,
over lust,
is responsible,
makes sacrifices,
is motivated by God's love,

brings unity,marriage/leave and cleave, completes each other,

celebrates Godliness in each other, is accountable, is God's word, is prayer, fulfills dreams,

endures, is a covenant.


It's easy to fall into a mentality of worthlessness in our world where great wealth and fame are the thing that is most valued. Our sense of worth is somehow bundled up inside this world and if you're not a mega star you're a nobody, not really worth anything. In the big picture of things how can we be worth anything with so many people on the planet. Seems like it's just the amount of money or possessions you have that make you worth something. But the reality the Bible teaches us is that we are so valuable to God that He was willing to sacrifice His Son for us so that we could live with Him for eternity. He cares about us so much that he planned out how we look, how long we are to live on earth, and how we are to be the most fulfilled. All of it lies before us, waiting for us to grasp it!

We are in fact very valuable to God! His plan revolves around our hearts and brings great Joy to our very soul. The fact that we have a soul makes us very valuable to God because He created it/us with a purpose. It also makes us very valuable to Satan the enemy who wants to have our souls separated from God for eternity. Oh, yes, I would say we are very valuable to God worth so much more than any earthly possessions. We are worthy to be called sons of God, the children of God. He made us! This year I know I'm worthy because God has made me and I proclaim His lordship over me in this psalm that I wrote at a low point in my life. It has helped me in times of feeling worthless so that I can fulfill my chief purpose; to glorify God and enjoy Him forever!♾️♥️

This psalm follows the English alphabet in order. Each two lines start with the same letter and progress through the complete alphabet. There is also a thematic progression used in the body of the Psalm that is patterned after scripture like Psalm 37. Other psalms following this form are 9, 10, 25, 34, 37, 111, 112, 119, and 145. Pick one (or, in the case of 9 and 10, two) and think hard.


As surely as You have created me
All my devotion is given to You
Before You knit me together oh Lord
By the power of Your mighty hand
Concern was given to the small things
Caution was used to fashion me
Detail was shown in every decision
Determined You were to bring me forth
Everything was done with purpose
Each aspect of my being thought out
Forever I was made to praise You
From Your hand I have been given life

Gladly I will call myself Yours oh God
Giving back to You what You have made
Heartily I will serve You my Lord
How excellent are all Your ways
In my coming and going You lead me
I love You more than life itself
Joined with You by Your Spirit
Joy fills my heart and soul
Keep me in the palm of Your hand
Know my love for You is unceasing
Let Your praises be found on my lips
Like the sand on a thousand seashores
May You be lifted up and exalted
Making all of creation bend their knee
Nothing can compare to You oh Lord
No one can stand against You and thrive
Only Your ways are perfect and true
Over and over You have proven it so
Powerful and just is Your right hand
Pulling down the haughty and proud
Quickly You bring an end to mockers
Quieted they dwell in the grave tormented
Ready to forgive those that turn to You
Rescuing them from eternal doom
Salvation has come from You alone
Sending Your son to completely atone
Together with Him we will see You
Taking Your grace eternally home
Unlocking Your mercy You save us
Unmerited favor for us all
Victorious over our sinfulness
Very willing to give us Your Son
Worthy of all honor and glory
Without end Your love never fails
Xylophone and harps will extol You

Xerox cannot duplicate You
You are the beginning and the end
Yesterday and forever the same
Zealous to save those You've chosen
Zapping the enemy You are victorious!

Restoring the messy

Jacob wrestles with GodGenesis 32 is the account of Jacob preparing to meet his brother Esau. If ever there was a mess to clean up it was this relationship between two brothers that had gone on for a long time. How can this messy relationship be restored? With man, it is impossible but with God, all things are possible! According to the scripture Jacob was.wrestling with a strange man (angel/God) on the river bank all night long. He was holding his own against the man and wouldn't let go until the man blessed him. So the man changed his name from Jacob (deceiver) to Israel (struggles with God).

This encounter with the main character of the Bible left Jacob with a limp but prepared him to restore the messy relationship between he and his brother in a way that completely honored God and his brother. The brothers met the next day and miraculously completely restored their broken messy brotherhood and continued on their ways with a renewed bonding. Both men were changed over the years and now their messy family could be restored by this name changing experience with God that sent both men out from there doing what God had purposed for them to do!

Maybe that's the key to restoring messes for everyone, keep holding on to God and don't let go until He blesses you! He will change your name too and restore your messiest circumstances!

Glorify God and enjoy Him forever!

Grudge to Grace

We now have gone through grief and grudge

We’ve seen our hearts refuse to budge

Each time You put us in our place

With loving kindness and Saving grace 

So now we see through times of trouble

Heaped upon us more than double

El Roy, You see our need is great 

So You bring us blessings that fill our plate

I’m Remembering thankfully for all You’ve done

Especially the way You gave your Son.

That’s always been my trading place

Where You change my grudges into Grace!


The Glorify God Group (G3) was founded in June of 2022 with the mission statement: To glorify God and enjoy Him through intentional acts of kindness and community service.

Project Guidelines

  • All labor will be done free of charge.
  • All material costs will normally be the responsibility of those requesting service. Funding may be available through G3 donors.
  • Home repairs may or may not be provided by licensed or professionally trained volunteers.
  • A third party must be present when service work is performed and for individuals of the opposite gender.
  • There will be at least two people that come to work on a project.
  • Work will be done at a mutually acceptable time for the requestor and the volunteers.
  • Service work will be done on a first-come-first serve basis or as determined by the Board of Directors.
  • Projects may be denied if G3 is not able to provide the needed project expertise.
  • These guidelines are at the discretion of the Board of Directors and could be modified at any time.