Message from Rick Faucher

Message from Rick Faucher

rick 165x195The Glorify God Group (G3) was founded in June of 2022 with the mission statement: To glorify God and enjoy Him through intentional acts of kindness and community service.

Hello friends, this is Rick Faucher sending out an informational update about the G3. Many of you may know that I have been involved in full time ministries for over 25 years. Including 13 years with Ballet Magnificat and in the recent past I had been the executive director of Turning Pointe School of Dance, a Christian nonprofit organization, for about 12 years. Although I have retired now and it has been a few years since I have been involved with a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization I am fervently seeking directions from God. That being said, it is my passion to somehow serve the Lord in a unique and significant way for my personal growth and spiritual fulfillment.

As I searched to find my purpose I was drawn to the answer to the question, "What is the chief purpose of man?". The answer, according to the book of Exodus and the short Westminster Catechism is, "To glorify God and enjoy Him forever". As I entered into retirement at age 65 I thought about trying that on for size, knowing I was in the last third, the third 3rd of my life if you will. My good friends and neighbors Larry Genzink and Dan Peshka were very instrumental in forming this group. Without the unity of purpose with them I would not have taken the baby steps needed to get this vision to take shape. I'm also thankful for the sense of community and like-mindedness that I share with these men. It is that like-mindedness around our chief purpose, to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, that God inspired me to start the Glorify God Group.

My desire is to break down denominational walls to create a place of unity where we can all agree that our purpose is to resemble God (Glorify Him) and enjoy Him for eternity including right here and right now as well.

Actually, it's God's chief purpose in creating us and He loves all of His creation. G3 is more about aligning our purpose with God's purpose and enjoying Him forever.

My wife, Lara and I, have grown so much in the last 8 years and continue to seek God to create with Him and each other a reality that He inspires. For me, being a part of a group that is willing to overlook our differences and concentrate on what would represent God well and be willing to take action to get something done towards that end is looking like the most appealing thing to me right now. Let's see what God will do with this group He has united and inspired.

Our start up goal financially is to use 90% of all donations to be spent on specific projects initiated by the members of the group. To join the group you can simply make a pledge or donation to an existing project, or start a new project yourself that the group can work together to make happen. Then, if you’re able, jump on board to help make it happen by volunteering or praying for the Spirit to lead you in knowing how to be involved. We have a vision and a dream to be unified in purpose! Donations to cover operating and start up costs have been made by the Board of directors totaling around $5000. Would you please consider helping us with a donation and/or prayer for funds needed to create our website, or perhaps you know someone who would be willing to volunteer to build it with us? Our contact number is (616) 405-6186.

It’s an amazing God we serve and it’s amazing when God's chief purpose is fulfilled in us all?

Thank you,
Glorify God Group
President and Founder
Rick Faucher

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The Glorify God Group (G3) was founded in June of 2022 with the mission statement: To glorify God and enjoy Him through intentional acts of kindness and community service.

Glorify God Verses

Colossians 3:23

Whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Revelation 4:11

Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!

Project Guidelines

  • All labor will be done free of charge.
  • All material costs will normally be the responsibility of those requesting service. Funding may be available through G3 donors.
  • Home repairs may or may not be provided by licensed or professionally trained volunteers.
  • A third party must be present when service work is performed and for individuals of the opposite gender.
  • There will be at least two people that come to work on a project.
  • Work will be done at a mutually acceptable time for the requestor and the volunteers.
  • Service work will be done on a first-come-first serve basis or as determined by the Board of Directors.
  • Projects may be denied if G3 is not able to provide the needed project expertise.
  • These guidelines are at the discretion of the Board of Directors and could be modified at any time.