Membership Guidelines

Membership Guidelines

Guidelines for G3 Board Members

  1. Spiritually United
  2. Believe in the God of the Bible
  3. Profess Jesus Christ to be the son of God, sent by the Father to redeem mankind, and that he died on the cross,was raised from the dead, and sent the Holy Spirit to us upon His ascension.
  4. 100% agree that God is the creator of the universe including everything, me and everyone!
  5. Must Agree that God’s chief purpose in creating us was and is for us to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever and our desire is to align our purpose with God’s purpose!
  6. Willing to meet periodically for board meetings (minimum 3 year term)
  7. Willing to pledge/commit to a $1500 donation to G3 for start up costs.
  8. Sign up as a member on our member list

Member Guidelines

  1. Same as Board members
  2. Same as Board members
  3. Same as Board members
  4. Donate a minimum of $25 to the general fund or for a specific project
  5. Volunteer to help with a project in some way
  6. Buy a shirt for $30-$60 (depends on type of shirt)
  7. Sign up on the member list

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Glorify God Group Project Guidelines

Message from Rick Faucher


The Glorify God Group (G3) was founded in June of 2022 with the mission statement: To glorify God and enjoy Him through intentional acts of kindness and community service.

Glorify God Verses

1 Peter 1:14-15

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

1 Peter 4:11

As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct

Project Guidelines

  • All labor will be done free of charge.
  • All material costs will normally be the responsibility of those requesting service. Funding may be available through G3 donors.
  • Home repairs may or may not be provided by licensed or professionally trained volunteers.
  • A third party must be present when service work is performed and for individuals of the opposite gender.
  • There will be at least two people that come to work on a project.
  • Work will be done at a mutually acceptable time for the requestor and the volunteers.
  • Service work will be done on a first-come-first serve basis or as determined by the Board of Directors.
  • Projects may be denied if G3 is not able to provide the needed project expertise.
  • These guidelines are at the discretion of the Board of Directors and could be modified at any time.